It's You Only Better!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Get Out Of Your Head by David Weedmark

Listen. Can you hear it? It is the sound of your brain growing, stretching, just by reading these words. Your brain is becoming something more than it was just moments ago.

There are approximately 100 billion neurons in the human brain. That is more than ten times the number of stars in the galaxy. It is not just the neurons that make your brain what it is. It is the circuits between them (synapses) that are the building blocks of your thoughts, memories and perceptions. You have about 100 trillion of these, and the combination between them are nearly limitless.

Every time you learn something new, observe something new, do something new, you are creating a new pathway or circuit between brain cells. The more you do something, the more you think about something, the stronger those circuits become. The less you do something, the weaker they become. Your brain is constantly growing and ungrowing all the time.

This is why driving a car, reading a book, or riding a bicycle becomes easier the more you do it. This is also why what you do, and the tools you use to do it, become a part of who you are, how you think, and how you behave. Your brain tends to use the most strengthened pathways, even when you are doing something new.

This is why a writer’s fingers may twitch when they are thinking, even though there is no keyboard in front of them. This is why your right foot will press down on the floor if a truck suddenly pulls out in front of you, even though you’re in the passenger seat. Watching too much television will shorten your attention span. Browsing too much on the internet will eventually hinder your ability to sit down and actually read (rather than scan) a whole book.

Whatever it is you do for eight hours a day, five days a week, this too will eventually have an effect on how you think, and how you behave. What you do shapes your mind, becoming a part of who you are.

If you put four sales people in a room, or four accountants, and ask them to come up with new, fresh ideas for their business, you could probably predict the results. You’ll get a handful of ideas, and they will agree on most of them. People who engage in the same work and deal with the same types of problems everyday, will tend to have the similar perspectives on their work. When looking for new ideas, they will tend to agree on which ideas are best. Now, if you put the accountants and the sales reps into the same room, you will have a much, much different kind of meeting.

As a writer, I find words themselves sometimes become problematic. Reading words, writing words, thinking in words, even when writing creatively, can become a mental rut. Every six months or so, I become overwhelmed with the need to immerse myself in something new. I will paint for a week straight, or draw, or fix a car, build or refinish a piece of furniture, pick up a guitar, speak French, take flying lessons.

This summer I’m learning wood carving. I’m really awful at it, but I seem to improve with each hour. Its a very tactile, non-verbal experience. While it takes a great deal of thought and planning, the thought process is different than writing a paragraph, and the planning is much different than plotting a novel. When I return to the keyboard, it is with a slightly different mind than if I had just gone for a walk, or watched a movie, or any of those hundreds of other things we use to distract ourselves.

Learning to play music does make you more aware of sounds, but it changes the way you think about words as well. Learning to paint doesn’t just make you more sensitive to colors, it alters your approach to everything else you do. Wood carving, I’m beginning to find, does not just change how I look at a piece of wood, or how I look at the trees. It has slightly altered my perception of the words I’m typing now. It has slightly influenced the way I think.

I don’t believe it matters what you do, as long as it is new, and different from your normal routines. Because, for myself, what I have learned, the act of beginning something new, whatever it might be, also helps me reacquaint myself with a beginner’s perspective. I’ve stepped out of my own head for a while, stepped out of my usual neural pathways, and when I return, it is from a completely different perspective.

In my own head, you could say, it is Frost’s path less traveled. You zen folks out there would call it the beginner’s mind.

So I would urge you this week to get out of your head and try something you have never tried before. Engage with it, immerse yourself in it, experience it. When you return, you’ll be returning to your self from a slightly different angle, a slightly different perspective, than the perspective you have on your life today.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Better You, NOW?

Everyone has a “get rich quick” scheme!

Every one has adopted the “name it and claim” fabrication!

Every where there is a “process” or “program” for attracting the love of your life, all the money you desire and the body of a God/dess!

And it seems that everyone is an “expert” of this or a “guru” of that with lofty promises of making you a guru too!

In the words of Malcolm X, You’ve been had! Hoodwinked! Bamboozled and led astray! And not necessarily in this order!

Well DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE! And it’s all “hype!” You cannot microwave your way to health in 10 minutes! And success is not a mirage! Health, Love, Money and Fame will not come by way of smoke and mirrors! So stop falling for the okie-doke! You will not blink your eyes and land on top of the mountain, neither will you amass fame and fortune in your life by fast talking, quick thinking, scheming lies!

Sorry,  I must keep it 100!  I give it to you straight, no artificial flavors, sugars are additives! Hard work, has become a term of profanity and success has become a con game!

Well I for one have had it! So if you are ready to roll up your sleeves and have the drive, guts and determination to get in the driver’s seat of your life and stop being persuaded by the “green grass” in the other guy’s yard and are ready to take care of your own lawn and sow your own seeds so that you may reap a bountiful harvest, then let’s do it together.

In the words of Michael Jackson, “I’m starting with the man in the mirror and I’m asking him to change his ways. No message could have been any clearer”…IF you want to make this world a better place you gotta start with you.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Journey Begins

In a world where people are so used to wearing mask and not being authentic, what does it mean to be YOU? Who are you really? Are you what others think you are? Do you have to live up to their standards? Are you being true to who you are even if you are not sure who that person is? All these questions come to mind even as I begin to write this. How does one start to remove the masks we wear and show their true self?

Well in the next few blogs, I will explore it and I would like you to come along with me. The journey of discovering who I am and hopefully helping you discover the same. So get ready to remove the mask and take away all pretenses. For the few moments we are together let's just be REAL. No camouflage, no saying the right things, no trying to please others, instead let's explore the inner self and allow the real YOU to emerge. Chances are you may just really like YOU, the you were meant to be.

Everyone has a "get rich quick" scheme! Everyone has adopted the "name it and claim" fabrication! Everywhere there is a "process" or "program" for attracting the love of your life, all the money you desire and the body of a god/dess! And it seems that everyone is an "expert" of this or a "guru" of that with lofty promises of making you a guru too! Well DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE! And it's all "hype!" You cannot microwave your way to health in 10 minutes! And success is not a mirage! Health, love, money and fame will not come by way of smoke screens! So stop falling for the ole "okie-doke!"

You will not blink your eyes and land on top of the mountain; neither will you amass fame and fortune in your life by fast talking, quick thinking, and scheming lies! Sorry dear hearts, I must keep it REAL, remember. Hard work has become a term of profanity and success has become a con game!

Well I for one have had it! So if you are ready to roll up your sleeves and have the drive, guts and determination to get in the driver's seat of your life and stop being persuaded by the "green grass" in the Joneses yard and are ready to take care of your own lawn and sow your own seeds so that you may reap a bountiful harvest, then this journey is for you!

Warning: This is not a sales pitch! No quick gimmicks! This is far the destiny seeker in us all. If this describes you then watch the "A Better You Now" Series on You-Tube and in this blog. I wanted to make my coaching available to anyone with a desire for change. It seems that so many people are offering free stuff but that is exactly what it is, "free stuff". Some say they are giving content but only to a certain point and it's never enough to affect change in your life. So, if you are like me and just need to try something on for size and fit…this journey is for you.

Listen, I have many techniques and strategies to share. So by no means are these videos going deplete my reservoir, however, listening to these videos WILL change the way you see yourself and if you commit…they will cause change to happen in your life. So I am removing the mask and let it all hang out and I hope you will join me.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The thing I really like...

There are a few things that I really like. I love Purple, I love collecting lighthouses, I love reading books that have a positive message of love, hope and overcoming obstacles. I like to do word search puzzles and logic problems. I even have become fond of Suduko.

I like helping people see life differently. I like being me. So what do you really like?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wicked Ole Linda Is Dead, Now What?

Okay three weeks ago...

I thought I really need to make money or else I have to get a real job. So, I got real determined to do...nothing! Well that is not true but it should be because in the end that is what I did. A big flat nothing. I allowed opportunities to pass me by. I did not ask for what I wanted and I allowed myself to think negatively. This is all contrary to who I say that I am. SO, why would I, Coach Linda Hillman, Empowerment Coach Guru slip back into self destructive habits. Why would I allow myself to give up on me? So many times I tell others "Don't give up on you because I wont" but yet I was not practicing what I preached.

Then it came to me, the struggle is not in the fight but my thoughts. I was willing to fight but had lost sight of what I was fighting for. I want to help people to be the best they can be but that does not come without obstacles on their part and MINE! The things I was facing was I was attracting the people who were interested but not ready to make the change. I was attracting those that said it sounds good, and wow I see why I need your services but were not tired of living in the current situations. I was attracting those similar to myself. WOW that hurts.

What I mean is that I was willing to look in the mirror of life and see the discomfort, I was even willing to acknowledge that change was  needed but I was not willing to make the necessary changes. I was not willing to step out of my comfort zone no matter how much that comfort zone was costing me. I was not willing to invest in me like I was telling my clients to do. So as long as things were free to me I would go full force but as soon as you ask for financial commitment, I was ready to back away stating all  kinds of excuses. Now listen, we find time to do what we want to do. IF we really want something we will do whatever it takes to get that. I understand there are some real issues in this world. I have been self employed for two years going on my third year. So, I know what it means to have NO MONEY. So what am I really willing to do at this point.

Here's the deal, I am willing at this point to stop the MADNESS!! no more games and especially no more lies to my clients or anyone else especially me. Well, I have not told a dishonest thing to anyone. I have just not told everything. Withholding truth is just like lying to me. I think well, they don't need to know this or they don't need to know that but in the course of what I am trying to accomplish, people, my clients need to see the real deal. So I made a pledge.. ONLY the Truth. No more holding back and making excuses.

I hope that you will join me on my journey of self transformation. Let's grow together and make our lives better. So, now a more honest Coach Linda and hopefully my clients will appreciate the transformation in my techniques to coach them to success and those of you that are okay with who you are not achieving your goals, sitting in the same comfort zone that has you standing still and not moving forward, waiting for your next big break that you will allow to pass you by because you are not committed to investing in your life, and those of you that say that sounds good but... I leave your world now...I am off to love me, care for me and accept all that is right for me. I am no longer willing to stand idly by and let my life run it's course with no direction. I am taking matters into my own hands, taking responsibility and hold myself accountable.

So I will see you at the top... or will I? Let me put it this way...I'll be at the top, will you? Time is running out what will you do with the time you have remaining?